Friday, June 28, 2024


 With each new day, I travel. Searching for answers and never staying in one place for too long. Somehow, I leave every place with more questions. I have a purpose, one that I serve well.

Not everyone will understand the efforts of my journey. And that's okay. No one's destination is ever the same. Some chose to leave me, others I had to leave behind.

But the rare soul that loves me for who I AM? That is the person, I am guaranteed will always be by my side. No matter where I travel. Near, or far and wide.

Everyone assumes, that one's purpose is defined by one massive life changing achievement. What if that's not the case? What if my purpose is right here in front of me? What if I'm living it right now? How amazing is that?

My purpose is in every smile I've given to a stranger, who was having a bad day. My purpose, is in every simple favour I do for those who need a break. My purpose, is in every artwork and poem I create.

My purpose, is in every hug I give to those who didn't realise they needed it. My purpose, is in every little bit of spare change that I give to a homeless person, even though I know I don't have much to my name.

Not to record and post on social media platforms for clout, but because I have faith. That if I was in that person's shoes, some other good Samaritan, for me, would have done the same.

My purpose, is in every injured, lost or scared animal that I go out of my way to save. And while my destination may not be the one that everyone expects, I know I am loved. Every version of myself, through every stage and phase.

This is my journey. My personal self achievement. I don't need anyone's approval, endless likes or comments to know my value and worth. I was born to travel this Earth, and write the recounts of my adventures.

To ask questions, not always receive the answers that I want. To make the most, of this Journey.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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