Sunday, September 1, 2024

Snow - An innocent child's story...

Snow, snow, on the wall,
Would you like to play at all?

Where each delicate flake of
Yours doeth fall, I will pick you
Up and hold 
you gently.

Gathering all of your wistful,
Wonderful whiteness.

Placing it politely, in a pile.
Encouraging you along the way.

Until you are ready to rise,
So you shall make the most of
This beautiful day.

Together, we will discover
Our true selves.

Complete in our uniqueness's,
Are we. 

Growing within ourselves,
At our own preferred paces. 

In our own individual
Characteristics, we share
A silent understanding.

Together, we are One.

Your coal, black eyes
Lock on to mine.

Where others only saw
Its darkness, I see how the
Sunlight catches it in a very
Specific way.

I see how it twinkles, the
Magical sparkle, dance and

Our minds think alike,
In so many ways.

Your long carrot nose, doeth
Point straight forward.

Indicating where my thoughts
And aspiration's for my Future,
Should always go.

How wise you are,

Friend, of mine.

You look awfully cold,
Let me go quickly to grab
You a hat and scarf from

What colour, would you like?

The colour you have chosen
To wear, happens to be the
Same shade that is a frozen over


A matching set! How fun!

This colour really suits you.
Oh no, the day is almost done.

For now, dear Snowman,
Friend of mine.

I must return to the warmth,
Of the house.

I hear, Mother, calling me in.
On this White, Christmas Night.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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