Friday, August 16, 2024

Weather or Not.

Where there is Wind,
I will blow along with it.

Where there is Rain, I
Will shower and wash
My problems away
Under it.

Where there is Sun,
I will smile and my
Personality will shine
With it.

Where there is Snow,
I will make angels in it.

Every kind of weather
So beautiful, unique and
Just as important as the

A family, like no other.
One can not live without
The other.

Taking turns, they make
Our World go 'round.
Each day a Blessing,
No matter what the
Weather may be.

Such a vital part of keeping
The Life of humanity, flourishing.
Yet, to us, they will never speak a sound.

A language so foreign,
Only the Creator can understand.
He knows them as well as
His own, understanding and
Listening to their individual

All, with a single, simple touch
Of His hand. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


  1. This is great. I like the repetition of the first 4 stanzas aligned with the following imagery.

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your support!


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