Saturday, August 17, 2024

Help - Depression/General Mental Illness Awareness.

"Help?!." Such a small yet terrifying word.

One that only presents itself
With a voice silent that is silent at first,
Before morphing into a volume -
So unbearably LOUD.

A sound next to impossible, to ignore.
Those who do so, have a heart made of stone.
Embarrassment of their own unaddressed, 
Continue to go through life with unacknowledged
Heavy problems weighing them down.

Do not let their words of judgment
Get to you, for now, this is their
Chosen way out. 

They are the ones, who scream
The loudest, without making
A single sound.   

A cry that can only occur, when
You are at your most vulnerable.
When your aura's vibration, is
At its lowest.

It also, is the bravest thing you
Could do for Yourself. 

You have no idea how much
Power a single, complicated
Yet simple word does hold.

It's the first steady step
You must take, in order
To climb out of the darkest.

The deepest pit known to man.
The World's scariest hole, yet still
To this day goes unspoken about.

There are many ways to treat
It, Therapy along with Medication
The most commonly affective.

Though, if you feel it's not
For you, there are other ways

  • Scream.
  • Sing.
  • Write.
  • Draw.

    You have to discover, what path is right for you.     

For you see, by getting yourself help when you need it most,
You are also helping others. Address and own your personal problem(s), you have nothing to be ashamed about.

Be the hand that others reach for, the lantern.
Whose warm, familiar glow brings comfort.
Lighting the path, that they need to take.
Guiding and encouraging them as they grab
A hold of You, gaining the strength that they

One, you so generously share.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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