Friday, August 16, 2024

Finding Yourself.

Everyone tells a story about
Themselves, inside their own head.
You've always known who
You were, yet, wondered who
You are or who you could be.

The brightest of  futures
For yourself, just out of reach.

'What could be?'

Doesn't have to remain a
Question, cloaked in mystery.
Only you hold the power,
To transform your dreams into

To get the answers that you seek.

You just need to inhale a deep
Breath, command strength in
Moments of weakness.

Demand your Spirit to be free,
To find the Light, in moments
That are at their bleakest.
Don't be afraid, of uncertainty.

Caress courage, push
Yourself to the breaking point
Of your abilities.

Don't stop or give up, even then.

Trial and error, is the only
Way to find your calling.
Yourself, you will find
Along the way.

Stop comparing yourself
To others, take your time.
Walk the path of Discovery,
At your own pace.

Allow Personal, Individual
Growth to light and show you
The way.

However if for some reason
You are afraid, merely ask and extend
A hand.

Together we will walk,
You don't have to walk alone.

Keep moving forward, though
It may appear difficult at times.
Don't let that stop your progress,
Count on the twinkling of city

They will guide you with
Precision, like stars in the
Midnight sky.

You're only as good as you
Want to be, the rest is up to

Don't ignore its calling to
You, because by then it
Would have been too late.

So take my words of wisdom
That I gift to You,
Let them be the first step you
Walk towards fate.

With their help, hopefully
You will find your way.
That one special thing,
That makes you proud
Of owning your name.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 



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