Friday, August 16, 2024

Alice In The Wonderland, Of Life.

Alice fell down the rabbit hole of Life.
Tumbling head over heels, faster and faster.

This spontaneous moment,
A beautiful and unpredictable

With what seems to have no
End in sight, crashing through

Breaking through the floor,
And roof of the leafy undergrowth.
She has no reason, to be afraid
Of the unknown.

She is having the time of her

This is the closest she's
Ever been, to flying.
She has no rush in retracing
Her steps, back into reality.

This underground world, her
True home.

Time the greatest friend,
Always on her side.

A world built on the decadent
Laced day dreams, of a curiosity
Filled mind. 

Though her eyes be open
Wide, she is creating a world
Of her own built on make

The ultimate slip n' slide.
The fastest and easiest way,
To escape from the distractions,
Hustle and bustle of reality.
Also known, as everyday life.

Will Alice ever stop falling?
No one ever knows.

As long as she keeps falling,
Her mind is filled with peace.
I for one do not have the heart
To wake her, from this much needed
Deep sleep.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 


  1. A clever re-imagining of Alice, with a forever fall. Quite enjoyable.

    1. Thank you so much for your support! Glad you enjoy my work, dear reader.


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