Thursday, August 15, 2024

Unexpected Kindred Spirits.

Morning and night,
Darkness and light.
Two best friends,
That by humanity
Go unrecognised.

Unexpected Kindred Spirits
So different by origin, yet
By a mutual love for making
Our world a better place are so

Best friends, who stick
By each other's side.
An attraction of opposites
Stronger than any one
Could know.

One can not survive without
The other, they balance each -
Other out.

Taking turns, one at a time.
To play on the seesaw of Life.
Playing all day, and all night.

When one is in a moment of
An all time low, they count on
The other to lift them above their
Head held high.

Lucky are those who witness
The wonderous waltz, that is the Sun
Being held lovingly by the Evening

Fire that is the Sun, burns
Bright with ferocity.
The cool, crisp night air
Gently blows on its friend's
Burning skin.

A gentle touch is all it takes,
From the Night to calm and cool
The red, hot raging temper of 
The Sun that resides deep within. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.



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