Tuesday, September 3, 2024


My heart once was like
A restaurant table -

Alone. Empty. Reserved.

Until your heart filled up
Mine, by queueing into my

Your words of genuine
Kindness, only the best food
You feed my Soul.

I can't help but find Myself,
Craving more...

My heart called out, one night.
Yours was the only one, that
Answered the phone.

Finally I was being spoken
To, by a real person.

You must have sensed, that
My heart couldn't bare leaving
A message.

Only to be mocked and
Imitated by the *beep*, 
Of a rejective ringtone. 

That night, my heart
Must've let out a signal.
Like that, of a distress

For you to pick up its
Cry, and not hang up.
But rather, start and carry
On a conversation.

Our hearts connected to
One another, by an invisible cord.
On opposite lines, of the
Same phone.

Smiling, as we talked.
Describing what the Sun
Rise looked like, to one another.
From our individual ends,
Of the same phone.

Never before, have I seen
Eyes like yours.

Like the comforting,
Familiar flame of a

Lighting the way...

…Burning brightly, in the night.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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