Sunday, July 14, 2024

Warrior Woman.

She's climbed every mountain,
Faced every enemy,
Defeated every Dragon.

Won every battle & continues still,
To fight in every war.
Her battle cry more intense & loud,
Than any Lion's roar.

That won't stop her,
From coming back for more.
She is a Woman.
The Ultimate, Warrior.
An unbelievable, unbreakable
True force.

Should she fall, she always
Gets back up on the horse.
She is not afraid to show herself,
For everyone to see the pain
She's bore.

She is bravery, she is elegance.
Proudly she wears & shows off her battle scars.
She does not cower, nor does she know any
Disgrace or shame.

She is a Warrior Woman.
What you see, is what you get.
She is all Powerful.

She deserves respect, & nothing less.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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