Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Free The Sunrise.

I've always had an inkling,
That I have to free the sunrise
Inside of me...but never knew
For sure if it was even

Would it ever be?

Always had only known, what
It was like to be a so-called, flightless

I've stayed in the nest all of
My life, because I would never
Be able to fly.

At least, from all those who
Knew me, that's all I ever 

Dared to step out on to the
Branch, one day and stretch my

However, the wind and gravity
Pushed me back into the nest.
I watched as my feathers detached 
From my side, bid me a goodbye

I looked over the edge, to
Where my feathers did float.
The height of the tree, made
Me gasp in fright.

I never realised, how far down
The ground was before.

Still I know I am meant for
More, I was born to fly.

Tired of holding on to everything
That I had ever known, all that
I once was.

I am determined to prove
Them wrong.

I closed my eyes, took in a
Deep breath.

Told myself in a firm voice,
"I AM r
eady. It's time to
Let go. I can do this. I know
I can."

Kicked the nest off of
The tree, determined to not
Let anything stand in my

The sky whispered to me,
"I'm so proud of you.
They never thought you would
Ever be able to do this, look at
You now."

Words I never thought I'd
Hear, made my spine tingle in
Surprise and joy.

And just like that, I stepped
Off of the branch.

Giggled to myself as I descended,
Into the night.

Suddenly I felt something
Flutter and tickle me at my

Realised that I had re-gathered
The feathers I once had lost, rejoiced
When I saw those feathers embrace.
I have never felt so full of life!

I stretch my wings out
Once again, and flap.
The Sunrise that once inhabited
Itself in me, I released.

I'm free.

I'm flying

All of this, because in
Myself, I believe.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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Dear Diary, I've stopped self deprecating.  Everything is so clear to me now, It all makes sense! Why wasn't I able to see it before...