Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Dry Ice.

Once hardened my inner self,
A final attempt to be protected
From getting hurt once more.

Colder than dry ice, my heart
Has been broken, time and time

No longer shall it be ignored.

I feel it's sharp sting, every
Second of every day.
A friendly reminder that it
Wont lead me astray.

That I, am braver than brave.

Once turned bitterly harsh and cold
By the frostbite caused by those who were

I will not let my heart freeze over,
It's not who I am.

Not now. Not ever.

No one deserves to feel what I
Feel, all I've ever felt was

Lost. Alone. Afraid.

Whenever an opportunity
Of change can be made for the
Benefit of others in need,
I will not 
be restraint.

Everyday I will continue to
Persuade myself and everyone in
Need, that things will get better
Because I know for a fact that
They will.

I manifest, I motivate. 

With time comes perfection, a
Difference delayed but now
Defined by us.

This, I am determined to create.
I coax it, encourage others 
Their traumas to be explained.
Better late than never.

In Jesus's Name, we
Place our trust and faith,

No matter how long it takes.

I just have to let it take it's
Own sweet time to soften and
Seal the cracks of my heart.
I know, that with patience, I will
Heal one day.

I have inherited the resilience,
Of my Mother's heart.
Doesn't matter otherwise what
Someone says.

If she can overcome any obstacle,
Then so can I.

She has always been my sword,
Fighting for me when I couldn't
Fight for myself.

For that, and much more,
I will be her shield.
Protecting her always.

No amount of makeup,
Can conceal the deep caverns
Of my past. 

No amount of contour, foundation,
Blush, eyeshadow, mascara and lip liner
Can rid me of my natural beauty.

Sitting waist deep in the
Ocean of what will be, this
Is my battle.

One, I am determined to beat.

Endless supply of support
From loved ones and affirmations
Of who I am, I read.

Positivity I inhale with every
Breath that I breathe. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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