Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Genie In A Lamp - Disclaimer: This is MY interpretation of the movie, 'Aladdin' but is in no way associated with 'Disney.'

I came across an usual looking
Lamp one day, and picked it up
To admire its brass tone.

The skill and talent that must
Have gone into creating this uniquely
Rare and beautiful treasure, I
Found truly fascinating.

The next thing I knew,
A blue smoke with a strong
Aroma of incense came
Out in a cloud.

Startled, I dropped the
Lamp and heard it hit the
Ground with a *clang.*

All of a sudden, I heard a
Voice say, "Ow" from inside.

"Sorry", I said while still in
A state of shock and surprise.

I watched in bewilderment, as
The smoke cleared and morphed
Into a levitating person of sorts
In front of my very eyes.

We exchanged a friendly,
"Hello" with each other.
"Excuse me," I asked, "but
Who are you?"

"Huzzah!" declared the
Creature with delight,
"For I, am a genie."

With a crack of its back, it
Looked down at the lamp and
Said, "There's nothing like
A good old stretch.

It's awfully cramped in
There. Anyway, I grant you
3 wishes. All of which
I will make come true.
So, what say you?

What will they be."

"Wishes?" I replied,
"I...I don't really have any."

Disappointed, the genie
Replied, "Looks like I'll
Have to return to the lamp,
And wait until the next person
Comes along.

Who knows when that will

As I watched the genie float
Towards the spout once more,
I couldn't help but feel sorry
For it.

"Wait!" I cried, "I know
What I want to wish for now."

"Oh?" Said the genie,
What are they going to

I replied with a smile,
"I only have just the one,

"Alright," said the genie,
"What is it?

I gave the genie a hug
And replied, "To set you

"Thank you," the genie replied,
"So it shall be."

With a *poof* the genie disappeared,
Never again to be seen.

- Alexandra Pierotti.




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