Sunday, October 13, 2024

My dog sits at the window,
And watches the wispy clouds
Subtly light up by the planes
That fly along in the night sky. 

I can't help but wonder,
'What is going through
His mind?'

Perhaps he feels comforted,
By the stars glistening in
His eyes?

Perhaps he's remembering
How all those centuries ago,
His ancestors would howl
At the moon?

Perhaps he is fascinated,
By the distant twinkle of the
City lights?

With a gentle sigh, he
Leaves the window.
Before jumping on to
My bed and performing
His ritual.

Walking circles on
The covers.

Finally he plops himself
Down after finding just the
Right spot, he curls up against
My legs for familiarity
And warmth.

With the snore of an old
Man whose been working on
A farm his whole life, he
Gives a dramatic yawn.

Revealing a warning
To any potential ghosts
In the room, the magnificent
Ferocity that is his canine

Though his eyes are
Closed, he pricks up an

Even in sleep, he's the
Goodest boy there is.
Providing me with safety
And security.

The best guard, I know.
He never leaves his post. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.



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