Monday, December 30, 2024

Lean On Me.

The World can be a cruel and
Wicked place, filled with negativity
And hardships.

A toxic wasteland of sadness,
Loss, stress, confusion, self loathing
Among other things.

We tend to bottle our thoughts
And emotions up, shove it into
A jar, screw the lid on super tightly
And shove it deep down. 

Such energies have a way
Of tainting one's life, but that
Doesn't mean that they'll remain
That way forever.

Be braveReach out.

Lean on someone for support,
Until you regain your balance.

Strength has a way of
Finding those who feel

By doing the impossible,
You are being a security
Blanket for others.

They too should not be
Afraid of having their cry
For help be heard.

Never be afraid to speak.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Unchaining My Heart.

With one hand on my soul,
I do my best to not let fear take

Everyday, I'm unchaining my heart.

One link at a time.

I'm opening my heart to
This new way of life.

I can't help but smile at the
Thought of the look of shock
That on my enemies' face lies.

Golden opportunities stream
Across the sky like stars shooting

Unlocking a bright future for
Me, myself and I.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Saturday, December 28, 2024


Making silly faces in the mirror,
Solely to entertain no one but myself.
I am both the comedian and audience,
Laughing at my own jokes because
I know all is well.

Laughter is my daily dose of
Medicine, time flies when you're
Having fun.

I am the person I always knew
I could be, I am who I wanted to

I live a life of no regret.
Any old baggage I used to carry,
I've let go of and do my best
To forget about.

I am colour.

I am custom made for smiles,
I am a festival of light.

Everything that has ever
Happened, has led up to this.
A statement of evidence that
I am living my best life.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Fields Of Green.

Look no further than where you think
The grass will be greener, the Lord has

He is the Farmer attending to the fields.
Surrender your fears, place your trust in
Him and he will make you grow.

He is the Shepherd, let Him lead
You to green pastures.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Sea Of Candles.

Every heart is like a sea of
Candles, gently lighting up
The night.

Smiles everywhere so warm
And friendly, a flicker of hope.
So brightly they shine.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Tuesday, December 10, 2024

I Want To Thank God.

I want to take a minute, to thank God. For all that He's done and Everything He does. 

So let's join together and sing His praises with one voice.
As a People, let us channel the Holy Spirit

Let us pray:

I want to thank God, for the sun.
I want to thank God, for the moon and stars.
I want to thank God, for the sky and sea.
I want to thank God, for my family.

I want to thank God, for His friendship.
I want to thank God, for imparting His wisdom on to me.
I want to thank God, for His guidance.
I want to thank God, for my triumphs.

I want to thank God, for His presence.
I want to thank God, for His constant reassurance.
I want to thank God, for His goodness.

I want to thank God, for communicating
With me and providing me the Peace I need.
I want to thank God, for giving me courage.
I want to thank God, for calming my Soul.
I want to thank God, for His healing.

I want to thank God, for giving me Life.
I want to thank God, for raising me up whenever
I had fallen.

I want to thank God, for walking this journey with me.
I want to thank God, for gifting us with His kindness.
I want to thank God, for Today.


- Alexandra Pierotti.


Monday, December 9, 2024

Sometimes, the strongest thing you can do is allow yourself to feel.
Through acknowledging your restless spirit by being open and vulnerable in moments of weakness, you grant access to what it takes for You to heal.

In time, you'll rediscover that missing piece.
And, given some patience, eventually you will be complete.

It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
You'll see.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Fascinated - How A Child Views What Adults Take For Granted.

I've never seen anything like it.
Did it fall from the stars?
Like an angel visiting from
Heaven, it's majesty surrounds

Fascination captivates me, 
It crowns me.

This treasure found me. 

I truly believe, that it is
Meant to be mine.
It's beauty bedazzling, how 
Lucky am I?!

A charm of good luck,
Which chose me to own.
Delicately sits in my hand
As I carry it home.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


I dared to dream BIG from a
Very young age, it was a vivid vision.
A risk I knew I had to take.

Determined to prove what would
Happen if I chased my dream, to
Believe in myself when no one believed
In me.

Through my flaws, I knew I could create something great.

Now, here I am.
Helping lives change.

Now, when I look back at all
That I've overcome.
I can proudly tell myself,

"I was, am and always be brave."

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 Sometimes you don't need to know a person, to know a person.
You just...know.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

The Art of Being Present.

The only thing I know for sure, is that I was made for something more.

The art of being present I did not find, it found me when the time was right.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Heart Of Gold.

Some battles I've lost, others I've won. I keep my head down, and I plough through. Knowing that my faith is strong, there is Nothin...