Sunday, June 30, 2024


I heard your Heart call out to me,
Like a homing beacon in the most silent of

A secret sabotage that I never did
Expect of myself,
To gain unknown wings,

Taking flight.

Deep in my heart I felt the most
Colourful and warm of explosions,
Like various f
ireworks lighting up the night.
Just like the mountains, white cliffs of
Dover, you stole my heart,
Keeping safe in your hands, gently

Turning and rolling it over.

With a single soft breath, you blew new
Life in to my heart.
Solidifying and crystallising our new found
Love, by stretching your hand out to meet mine.
A warm and friendly invitation, for this new life
Of ours to start.

Eagerly we take hold of each other, our
Destiny within reach.
You're the Only one I want to share it with,
You've rendered me free of speech.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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