Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Be Still.

 Be still. Stay quiet,
As you tread silently alone in the woods.
Your Spirit at Peace, your mind at Ease.
As it finds the familiar comfort, of its
Original leafy home.

You release a breath, as you
Let go of Years worth of pent up stress.
Realise you need to make
The most of the Present.

Your Spirit reunites and greets
Nature making every second, of this
Magical other worldly Connection count.
Bare foot you walk on the grass.

Always walking towards your Future,
Extinct finally is your Past.
Hear your heart beat gently,
Deep within your chest.

The oddly satisfying snap
Of twigs, as dried leaves
Crunch beneath your feet.
Your handwoven, basic dress
Trails behind you.
Camouflaging with your surroundings.

Stop momentarily at a nearby,
Natural stream.
Kneel down, cup you hands.
Drink its waters so cool,
Refreshing and clean.
You admire the view,
Everything is so Pristine.  

Everything about this area,
So calming and serene.
You have never felt more at
Peace, than you do in this
Exact Moment.

You breathe in deeply.
Hypnotised by the fragrant
Perfumes of flora, so potent.

Why go back to the
Stresses of Daily life
When here, you are Free?

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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