Saturday, July 13, 2024


 She takes in a deep breath of the cool, crisp air.
She closes her eyes as a content smile,
Makes its home on her face.

The sun highlights & glows on her
Skin, so fair.
She lifts her face to the sky,
Spreading her arms wide.

With the Wind beneath her wings,
She flies higher and further than
She's ever flown before.

The tops of trees tickle her,
She has a perfect bird's
Eye view as she flies over
The Rainforest's canopy floor.

She flies onwards & upwards, always.
Wispy strands of a small scattered
Handful of cotton soft, cloud fluff
Catches on to & Lingers playfully,
In her hair.

The sky beautiful, blue and bright.
She's on a one way mission, to the Sun.
Her goal, to become 
One with its light.

It's time you put your troubles, behind you.
Time to discover & spread 
our wings.
To Fly.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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Oh, to be a child. To spin like a top. Round and round. To fall only to get back up And spin again. Only this time, faster. Laughing as the ...