Friday, July 26, 2024

Heart's Song.

I tried to talk to my piano,
I tried to talk to my guitar.
No matter how hard I tried,
Their voices never would reply.
It was like nothing I did, my
Words never did go far.

Music, my religion.
Words spoken from My Soul, my art.

I closed my eyes, and realise.
Maybe I don't have to talk, to make a sound.
Sometimes it's the silence in my head
When I clear and open up my mind,
That speak the most loud.

My raw emotions a song,
Deep in my heart trying to break out.
I have to stay true to myself, even if
It means I don't get the approval I want
From someone else.

On the rare occasion where someone
Asks me to tell them My story, I don't
Know where to start.

The best I can do in that moment,
Is present them with the many
Tessellating layers that protect
My heart.

I have to believe, that things
Won't always remain the same.
Perhaps one day I'll be brave
Enough to speak up loud enough,
For My voice to be heard without
Worrying what everyone else might

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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