Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Lock & Key.

 The Key to Success, begins when We
Unlock what we've been Hiding.
From the World.
From our Friends & Family.
From, Ourselves.

When we take that Leap of Faith &
Open the Safe that contains, all of
Who we are & gaze upon true

A Deep, long Forgotten
Buried Treasure, that is
Our very Beings.

Something so Rare,
Unique, Beautiful & more
Valuable, that no amount of
Money can ever buy.

Just because you Decide to
Give Up on your Saviour Complex,
Start to Prioritise & Focus on Yourself for a Change,
Does not make you "Selfish", "Cowardly" or "Narcissistic."

It just means, that You are Brave enough to
Value Yourself as much as all the times you put
Everyone Else's value, struggles and problems
Above your own.

You come to the realisation, that, like Everyone,
You Matter too.
That we are ALL equals.

You look down at your closed, warm hands
Getting cooler by the second, & See that
You are in fact holding THE 

...The Key to Unlocking your
True Potential, Worth & Happiness.
That is when You know, You've succeeded.

So be Brave &
Unlock your Traumas,
Acknowledge the Pain and Fear.
It's good you are aware of these Feelings,
Now, it's time to Heal.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



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Hold The Sun.

Unlike the black bear, That walks at night. It is in this moment, that I remember s omething that I had Forgotten about, a long time Ago... ...