Sunday, July 7, 2024

"Popular" - Social Media Platform's Unspoken Curse.

Those who are "popular",
Though they'll always deny it,
Experience the most sadness & pain.
They rely on numbers of
Likes, comments and shares.

To ever be truly happy, their minds can't comprehend.

They think what's most important,
Is to be on board the "trending" train.
If you don't meet their, ✨#Fancy lifestyle✨
Expectations - by living a simple, humble life,
Then they do their best to put you to shame.

Don't allow their words of jealousy
Laced bitterness, to get to you.
So don't go out of your way,
To voluntarily subconsciously torture yourself,
By driving yourself insane.

To compare your Natural, God given beauty,
To artificial AI assisted, unrealistic filters
Is a waste of energy, time and tears.

If you keep brainwashing yourself

By comparing yourself to others,
Out of it, nothing you will gain.

Love the person that you Are.
The person, you were born to be.
Always be YOU.

Because at the end of the day,
All that matters is, you are NOT
Just another number.

You are a PERSON.
A name 💖.

A promise from the Heavens,

Once long ago, sincerely made.
Being fulfilled in everything
You do & say, every single day.

It doesn't pay to be "popular",
When the day rolls to its end.
Anyone who doesn't love you for who
you are, is in their own way,
Crazy in the head.

It's more than okay, to buy
Clothes that are unbranded & at prices that are cheap.
It just means you know how to
Make the most of your individual,
Personal priorities.

Those who are "popular",
Forever will boast about
Their ✨fancy✨ lives.
A smile, their go-to mask.
Secret, silent tears,
That are always & forever,
Frozen in disguise.

Alexandra Pierotti.



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