Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Detective.

She walks the alleyways,
Investigating every area that often go unseen.
A Quest.
With Eyes wide open, eager & keen.
In search for answers.

Answers to the questions of
Who She is, & the way that the World
That she knows is supposed to be.
Excited to be undercover & unveil Mystery.
She doubles down & follows
Every possible Lead.

Injustice the Evil Mastermind
Goes hand in hand with, Cruelty.
Artist & genius behind the perfect
Crime scene.

Dishonesty its Mistress, an
Accomplice hiding in the shadows
In plain sight.

It flees in fear whenever she shines her
Powerful & bright flashlight beam.
She swabs the path for prints & follows
the tracks.

Like water leaking out of a crack,
as it Trickles through a pipe.
she never gives up without a fight.

Never giving up the chase, until
She's found the evidence she needs
To make an arrest & lock up all those who
Try to persuade innocent bystanders
To sing the song that is spreading pain,
Sorrow & torment.

Casting & cuffing them to
the bars of a cell, Throw away the key.
Reducing them to a life sentence,
Where there is No Escape.
never again to be seen.

A Positive difference to the World,
she is determined to make.
She has no need for a sniffer dog,
to pick up a trace.
She takes on the World,
like a punch in the face!

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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A centimetre added, For all the years I have Grown. There's no stopping Me now. There's no going back. All the scissors in the Tower...