Thursday, July 11, 2024

Power of Prayer.

The Power of Prayer, is Amazing!
If said with the right intentions,
Genuinely believe & with Everything
You have within your soul.

It can bring someone back you're not
Quite ready to let go of, whose on the brink of

The action of Prayer that is practiced,
More Powerful than any word written & read.
God is ever Present for the Receiver, Our
Lord's lap like an invisible feather soft pillow
Beneath their head.

The Receiver is filled with Blissful Peace,
All their sadness, hidden struggles and pain
Is washed away. Like water gurgling down the

As they heal, they forget ever knowing
What it's like to be afraid.
However, when all is said and done
And the Soul is eventually called Home,
You can rest assured that they are never alone.

Often we find Ourselves asking,
"Is Heaven Real?"

The Answer is a simple one, Yes.

While we are taught to believe
That Heaven is a World of its Own,
It is Here on Earth too.
You see, Heaven is all around us.

It is in every hug, that we give and take.
It is in every smile, that we create.
It is in every person that comes into our Life,
Who greet us with a genuine friendly handshake.

All these things, a sign of love.
All these things,
Are God.
God, is
in all of Us.
is Love.

It is in every single flower, that grows.
And every fresh fall of snow.
The exact shade of Pure white, as
Jesus's robes.

It is in every silent moment,
That is shared between you and your Best Friend.
As you lie down side by side, making the
Most of each other's company.

It is in every single,
"I'm Proud of You"
From someone you least expected to hear it from,
When you needed to hear it Most.

It is in every personal achievement,
It doesn't matter how big or small.
That Moment, when you Stop and time seems to stand still.
And you realise, through Him, and Him alone, you've made it.

It is in every one of his little Creatures, that we care for when we are Blessed because they've graced us with their presence by coming into our lives. It is in the sacred, Marriage cemented Love, an unbreakable bond, between a Husband and his Wife. It is in, every deep and meaningful conversation shared between siblings who fail to fall asleep late at night.

The impossible is always able to become possible, with the Power of Prayer. Because, just like God, Heaven is Everywhere.

Heaven is in every, "I love you" whether you know you needed to hear it or not. It is in every, "I'm not giving up, on you" when you feel like you're slipping away.
Panic, fear and sadness hold no Power over you. Forgiveness, comes to everyone who asks for it.

So, be brave. Take a moment, get down on your knees and Pray.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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