Thursday, July 11, 2024

Restful Spirit.

Close your eyes.
Lift your heart up,
To the Skies.

Taste this Heavenly calmness,
That does ground you.
Do You recognise, where you are?
The sensation of being held,
Comforted and reassured in the
Lord's arms.

No longer do you suffer,
The wrath of internal Hell.
He, will touch your Soul.
He, will escort you Home.
You are finally free, Restful Spirit.

Consume, His Heavenly Light.
He Knows you. All wrongs, He
Will make right.

The Evil One, such a coward.
Amongst God's presence, he runs and hides.
Knowing he will always lose,
And has no hold on you, he is consumed with fright.

Sleep, in Heavenly peace.
Serenity becomes you,
Restful Spirit.

Calming silence fills your mind,
Yet another Gift from the
King of kings.
His Promise to You,
An Eternal and peaceful afterlife.

Open your eyes.
From your slumber, arise.
Your Soul leaves your body,
All the things that once weighed you down
Completely vanish out of sight.
Love every second, of Your new life.

You deserve, this new-found freedom.
Walk in the Light forever, Restful Spirit.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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Oh, to be a child. To spin like a top. Round and round. To fall only to get back up And spin again. Only this time, faster. Laughing as the ...