Friday, July 5, 2024

Your Face Is A Poem.

 Your face is a poem,
The True Cover of your Life's story
For all the World to read.
Made equal to your fellow man.
Be kind to those around you,
You know the stinging pain
That comes when you bleed.

Take as many photos as possible,
Capture as many memories as you can.
Re-visit them over the Years.
Your Innocence, Happiness and Youth
Preserved in the pages of Life's album.
Available to be seen at any given moment.

Your lashes so beautifully thick.
Wiping the slate of past visions clean.
A curtain to your eyes, the sacred gateway
To your soul.

The various colours of your eyes,
a key to secret mystery waiting to be solved.
They tell the story of your past, present and
Future craving to unfold.
From its deep earthy brown, to its rim
Of rich, warm gold.

Your nose a guard, the keeper of scents.
Perfumes of your favourite fragrances
Do linger, a message is given and sent
To your brain.
It says, "I can't wait to smell this delicious
Aroma again."

Your mouth like a Knight under the
Cover of Darkness, the doorway to your voice.
Your bright smile can't help but show itself,
Every time you laugh whenever you experience
True joy.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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