Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 It's time you built yourself
A steady wall of boundaries.
Focus your mind, take as long
As you need. 


Lay them down, brick by brick.
Until you have a firm and steady
Layer, or emotional protection.

This is your chance to make a
Difference, to take a stand and
Let your voice be heard.

Don't give in, Don't give up.
You got this, evolving within
Yourself is the best place to start.
Others will try to raise their
Voices louder than yours.

Don't fall for this well known
Tactic, keep going though I
Know it be tough.

Sing your favourite song at
The top of your lungs, that
Ought to drown them out.

Boundaries keep you safe,
In life throughout.

Though often they will get
Disrespected and behind
Your back spitefully talked

Do what is right, for You.
Through the many life experiences
You've been exposed to, you have
Without knowing, developed
A shield stronger than you ever
Knew -

A steady, firm and next to impossible
To break armour.

While it may appear too heavy
To handle at times, never lose hope
Of your goal in life.

This is just another building
Block in Your journey.
Don't stop building until you've
Reached the very top.

Though your muscles may
Ache and be weary, use the pain as
Motivation to never stop.

Brick my brick, before you
know it, you would
Have built your very own
Magnificent empire.

Keep building, until you
Are certain you are safe
And protected within Yourself.
That is when you know, that
You've reached the top.

A castle built on accomplishment,
That is pride and personal growth.
Deserves a round of applause,
As You stand back and admire
All of your handiwork.

This is it.

Though your eyes have always
Been open, you've finally woken

You know what you need to
Do, in order to make the
Big decisions in Life that
Come with growing up.

Don't ever forget who You are.
You've already come along way,
Yet are still to learn what it
Means to be your authentic self.

All the amazing adventures
You will experience that come
With traveling far.

Further than you've ever
Travelled before.
You have to Want it,
With all of your heart. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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