Saturday, August 24, 2024

RUN - Overcoming Stereotypes.


Not because I'm in any
Danger, but simply because
I can.

Because it's fun.
Because it's
WHO I am. 

It's just Me, and the gentle breath
Of the Summer's breeze.

When I run, nothing can
Stop me - I wont let it.
Sweat trickles in beads
Down my face, and over my
Lips and into my mouth.

It tastes, like salty-sweet

Each staggery puff, wills and
Pushes me forward as I try to beat
My own time.

I'm competing with Myself,
Against myself, by myself.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am my own toughest, worthy of
Beating, competitor. 

Fellow runners and the
Business that is everyday
Life, whizz by in a blurry
Beauty before my very eyes.

I have no intentions of slowing down.

After all, why should I?

A healthy body, my Motivation.
With that, a healthy, clear mind.

I don't need no ridiculous
Diet, to tell me for myself
What is right.

My feet pound along.
A steady rhythm, competing
With my heart.

It's like they're having a
Heated debate with one


As soon as one takes a
Moment to regroup and come
Back with a rebuttal -
That's when the other one will
Choose to start.

Still, I won't stop.

I run past the Mountains,
Past the fielded plains.

For a measly minute,
I place my hands on my hips.

Taking the very briefest,
Of breaks.

Only to start back up again -
I chuckle to myself as I play
With the thought, of possibly
Being faster than none other,
Than, Usain Bolt.

I don't need or want no
Trophy, to know I am a

Self accomplishment and
Achievement, my invisible
Podium that is 'First Place.'
My very own, prize.

Who needs to bite down
On some ridiculously hard
Metal medal?

Why try to break your teeth,
To prove evidence of winning?
When in yourself you discover
And unknowingly unlock your
Truest of abilities?

The real definition and
Honour, behind being lucky
Of owning, Your name.

It's time to pick up the pace!
Speed past those who spread
Rumours and hate.

Kick up your heels, and let
the dust cover their face.

You are your very own, Superstar.
Through everything that life has thrown
Your way, you've come so very far.

For that alone, I am SO proud of you!
*gives you a BIG hug.*

But most importantly - YOU should
Be proud of
Yourself, too.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

*Says the person who has never chosen to run, my entire life and
proud of myself for doing so 😅. Being 'Chonky' makes it harder for
me to ever get kidnapped.

See? I've thought this through 😉.

So stay safe all of you, Cutie Pies  -

Or don't. 

You do, you x.

As the late, Marie Antoinette once so wisely said -
"Let them eat cake!" 🎂


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