Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Warmth of Winter.

If you take the time to
Get to know someone,
You'll be surprised how
Quickly they'll open up
The gate that all these
Years has stood upright
Against your heart.

You've travelled many a place,
Now you've finally found Home
In that one special someone.

You've finally arrived at the
Destination, that is, your
Much needed safe space.

It's time to throw away the
Heaviest of security, padlocked
Shut chains.

A beautiful, genuine smile
Can't help but take up camp
On your face.

As you cuddle up in The
Warmth of Winter
, the fire
That burns in the hearth of
You and your loved one's
Gentle gaze.

The flames of love, burn

Until it engulfs the two of
You - how quickly the flames
Take hold of you, you'd
Be amazed.

A heat, hotter than the

The warmth and safety
That comes with being
Huddled up in the familiarity,
Of one another's arms. 

A love so deep and passionate
That it can't help but blaze, with
A fire that is:

The Warmth, of Winter.

The warmth, of true love.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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