Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Artist.

She closes her eyes,
In order to let her imagination
Run wild.

Her thoughts to stir around inside her head, to bubble and her Creative juices to stew and overflow.

Gathering courage and creativity,
Her vulnerabilities exposed.
Though it be scary at times, this
Was the life she chose.

Growing stronger within
Herself, every day.
Without knowing it,
She is so brave.

Finally, inspiration hits.
She knows what she was
Born to do.

She opens her eyes.
Her mind awake, with
New life and endless

This is her moment,
To let it all out.

Her joys, her sadness.
Her triumphs, her failures.
Her once painful, now
Healed over wounds. 

Channelled through her
Pencil, on the paper.
Her thoughts, emotions
She draws and writes out.

Images and words that come to
Life, jump off of the page.

Filling every waking
Moment, with colour.

Not just going through
The every day motions,
Of black and white. 

God bestowed on her at birth,
The gift of all things visual.
Both pictures, and words.

Though she views her ability, as an outlet only.
Those who know of her strength see her for what she truly is, an Artist.

Without knowing it, she is taking on the world by storm.
Making a difference for the better, a living representation.
That is the evidence, anything and everything is Possible.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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