Friday, September 6, 2024

A Letter Of The Truest Love. The author? your Heart.

I, am Sunrise.
I, am Sunset.

I, am delight but
Should the time call
For it, I turn into dread.

I, am laughter.
I, am fear.

I, am Dusk.
I, am Dawn.

I've been with you,
Since the day you
Were born.

I, am the bluest Sky.
I, am cloud - light and

…Who houses the ability
To turn into the most fearsome of
Storms, should anyone dare to
Make you cry.

Occasionally, I might 
Become a nightmare.

However, I try my very
Best not to be.

It's not who I am,
It's not in me.

Nothing brings me more
Joy, than to provide you
With pleasant Dreams.

I often find myself in an
Almost constant battle, when
You listen to your Mind...

…Only for me to eventually
Win the argument, and have
You follow me instead.

Your heart

Though the mind has good
Intentions, you know that I
Will always lead you along
The right path.

I beat a steady rhythm,
Like that of a drum -
Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

I, have loved you.
And still do, to this
Day and age.

I, have Protected you,
Broken and healed
For You.

You, are so brave.

I, cheer you on.
I have vouched for you,
Right from the start.

You can't see me, but you
Have no idea how happy I
Am to be yours.

To reside deep within
Your chest - to carry your
Daily prayers up to, God.

My scientific name is as big
And and complicated as me.

In the Medical world, my name
Is pronounced like a tongue


Though you have Christened
Me with the most
beautiful of

I may appear small
And insignificant, but
Believe me when I say.

My love for you, and
Those lucky enough to
Be part of your life?

Is as BIG as the ocean.
I am your Forever.

If I could choose anyone
In this world to love,
I would choose You.

Time, and time again. 

Much love always,

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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