Thursday, September 12, 2024

Be Like Coffee.

Be like coffee -

Strong, beautiful, comforting, warm.
Equal parts bitter and sweet.
Who cares if you're not everyone's
"Cup of tea."

You're not one to sugar
Coat reality.

Logic lackers, laces and
Lingers along the rims of
Your lips.

With everything that
You've overcome?

Your picture should be
On every front cover, of
Every magazine.

Let your heart be like your
Favourite mug -

Sturdy, yet not afraid
To show your fragility.

Your mind a spoon -

Constantly stirring, mixing
Thought and emotion in a
Steady rhythm.

Enhancing its flavour, with each
And every sip of

In case you haven't
Been told by anyone
Today, I want you to
Know that I'm proud
Of you.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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