Friday, September 27, 2024

Good News.

You've made the front page!
For speaking the truth,
For being yourself, even
When times were tough.

You are so brave.

You may not be where
You thought you'd be,
But the fact that you
Keep going?

For that, in my eyes,
You are a Star.

You within Yourself,
Have come so far.

You in your own way,
Are making Headlines.
Every day.

Words of your success,
Are sprinkled throughout
The world and touch the
Hearts of those most in

Like advertisements, that take
Up the whole television screen. 

Making the most impact,
When inhaled like an invisible
Drug giving off only the
Best *high.

(*Don't do drugs, kids. I only use the word, 'High' as a metaphor.

Today, is NOT the day to cave
And give in.

News of your accomplishments
And personal achievements, are
Breaking everywhere.

For all those days where
You woke up & felt like
Not doing anything?

Those were the days,
That you did the most
Important of things.

For that, and everything
That you do to soldier on
Is what makes the best

And for that and so
Much more, your story
Is the best story ever

Seeing as it is printed,
On the Front page. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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