Sunday, October 20, 2024

Beautiful Chaos.

After travelling the world
And into space  on a rocket
Fuelled guilt trip, I've come
To accept that I was put here
To pick my battlegrounds.

Grounds, for personal growth.

Because, 'Forever' is on a
Whole other plain so I've got
To do my best while I'm still

My Future, is up to Me.

After almost sinking in
A quicksand filled swamp
Of only the most poisonous
Of snakes, I discovered that
It is myself, to take shelter
In a haven of happiness that
Is my name.

I admit, there were times
Where it was tough and I
Have no doubt that my fair
Share of difficult situations
Will grab a hold of me at
Any chance it gets.

But I will continue to remind
Myself, that I am tougher than it

Tougher than nails, in fact.
That it will all be worth it in the

After being dumped time
And time again, by those who
Ignored my worth.

I have learnt, to be appreciative
Of being in a steady and committed
Relationship with myself.

Living my best life, the
Life I was born to live and

My aura has never glowed
So bright than it is right now.
I'm everything I've wanted in
A person, and more.

I'm destined to be who I
Am, who I've always been.
A rare species in the process
Of going extinct.

A good, kind and genuinely caring person.

After becoming addicted
To the delicious taste of independence,
I resumed my place on the
Throne of beautiful chaos.

Tying the knot on the most important
Of commitments, the marriage of focusing
On myself.

The flashcards of freedom
Present themselves like stars that
Dance before my eyes.

A warm and welcoming change.

A romcom turned into a
Real life
'Love Story' a true
Fairy-tale, and it's mine to

I am a bouncing ball of
Beautiful chaos, creativity
And curiosity.

Full of life and laughter.

So much so that nothing makes
Me happier than the lives
Of those around me that light up
Whenever I am near.

I, am the rainbow that shows
Itself after every bought of rain on
The gloomiest of days.  

- Alexandra Pierotti.



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