Saturday, October 12, 2024

I Know My Worth.

More expensive than a Mercedes-Benz,
Gucci hybrid.

More explosive than dynamite,
I'm determined to go out with a

Stronger than the black coffee I'm
Drinking, unlike sugar packets
Nothing about me is artificial.

Richer than soil, I'm
More put together than
I've ever been.

Nothing can break me,
I do things my way.

I glow brighter than fireflies.

This whole time you've
Known your worth, but because
Of greed, you tried to steal

Nice try.

My worth can't be bought.
I come with no price.

Sometimes, it's not always
About trying to fix something
That was considered "broken".

I'm in the process of starting over.

I'm creating someone
Better than ever before.
Rebuilding Myself, piece
By piece.

And that's why I'm
Sitting taller, than I've ever
Sat before.

Never again will I lower,
My self-esteem and expectations.

I'm living in the moment,
Living my best life.

No longer will I compare
Myself to others, I'm always
Going to know and be proud
Of  my self worth.

With how much I've grown, if you
Pass by me on the street.
I'm unrecognisable, because I'm
Tired of pretending to be someone
I'm not.

My New Year's resolution,
Is that from here on out I
Will be unapologetically Me.

My personal uniqueness, is
A once in a lifetime opportunity.

I may be "crazy" in your
Opinion that I never asked
For, but at least 
I know my

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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