Wednesday, October 23, 2024

THE One/The Sweetest Kiss.

Though I'm afraid, I
Won't let my emotions hold me

You saw me when I was
At my most invisible.
Whenever I felt like I was
Going to cry, you made me

You always care when
No one else did, I have never
Known anyone so kind and

You're why I keep going.

You are a living reminder
That goodness does in fact

You remind me of my worth,
Value and everything I am by giving
Me the sweetest kiss.

You never push me away,
Because all you ever do is pull
Me in closer.

You calm the storm inside of
Me, nothing I say could scare you

You're everything I've ever
Wanted, every thing for which
I prayed.

All these reasons and more,
You confirm by giving me the
Sweetest kiss.

You are the best gift I have
Ever received, only you know how
To put my mind at ease.

I am at my most content when
I am in your arms and given only the
Most sweetest kiss.

The intensity of your sweet
Kiss, is all it takes to seal my

It's now or never, now is
As good a time as any.

There's nothing in my head,
Just you and me in this moment.
There's no stopping us.

Nor do we want it to.

I hang on to every word you
Say, my lips want to savour every
Second of this sweet kiss.

With my eyes closed and
Heart open, I don't want this sweet
Kiss to end.

The rain pouring down on
Us, sets the scene for the sweetest
Kiss of my new life.

Pure. Passionate. Perfect.

I've read about it my whole
Life in fairy tales of my favourite
Childhood books, I just never
Thought it would ever happen
For me.

For me to find and be with
THE one.

To experience for myself, true
Love's first kiss.

We open our eyes and part
For a moment, your gaze on mine
As you study my face.

Reading every chapter of my soul,
I never knew before that everything in my life could change.

This kiss we share? Beautiful.
But not as beautiful as you.
And just like that, I've fallen for
Your sweet kiss.

I'm yours.
Say that you'll be mine too?


- Alexandra Pierotti.


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