Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Narrator Inside My Head - Dedicated to all my fellow ADHD babies.

 The Narrator inside of my head
Is a small invisible fairy of sorts,
Who constantly tells me my life
Story because she knows that I'm

She laughs with me, at the
Silly impulse driven choices I make.
I hear her warn me one second
Beforehand saying, "don't do it,
Before it's too late."

Do I listen to her whenever she
Gives me this wise advise?
No. Because I'm a beautiful and
Dramatic mess, and life is never

The Narrator inside of my head,
Makes every chapter of my life
Deliciously "🔥spicy🔥" and interesting.
Every time I like to think that I'm in
Control, she throws at me, a wicked
Flavourful curve ball.

Forever keeping me on my toes,
She thickens the plot each time.
Laughing playfully when I lose it.
Who doesn't love being a hot mess?
Who doesn't love being their authentic
Self? Who doesn't want to live their
Best life?

The Narrator inside of our heads,
Tells us our stories because it knows,
Nobody else would tell it at its

With every new generation,
Passed down and expanding
Throughout the ages, a sequel
Added to the ever growing collection of
Our life stories.

So be grateful for the Narrator inside of Your head, because nobody else would do your Story justice, with how it's meant to be Read.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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