Tuesday, July 23, 2024

All That Does Glow.

A rare and powerful personality, that shines so bright.
Glowing like a thousand fireflies, lighting up the night.
It floods out of her constantly, it cannot be contained.
With each minor personal accomplishment 
Within herself, she forever does bloom and grow.

More spectacular and breath taking, than any light show.
Words of praise, mean little to her.
Because at the end of the day, that's all they are.


A great believer she is, that actions speak louder.
Make the most impact.
They are what truly lives forever, an imprint
Of love branded permanently on her heart.

So share her laughter, share her joy.
Sprinkle and spread kindness like magic.
Why use a torch to illuminate the way,
When true brilliance within the very fibres of
Your being produces and shines the most
Powerful, warm, bedazzling, beaming,
Magnificent glowing Light?

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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