Monday, July 22, 2024

Rise - Depression Awareness. Overcoming the Deep Depths that is the Ocean known as, Depression. If you, or anyone you know who struggles with mental illness, please get the help you need and remember - you ARE loved x.

 The demons inside my head
Taunt, threaten & do their best
To persuade me to become dead.

They feed off my traumas, pain
Sadness & v
Warp & contort, my mind.

Forever grotesque & greedy,
They consume me alive.
Growing stronger w
ith each passing minute...

But I am Stronger still.
I refuse to be hostage to the lies
Of mental illness, bound by invisible

I am resilient.
I will get through this.
I always do & always will.

I may be bashed, bruised,
Bloody, shattered & cracked.
But what matters most, is that

I hold the Power, Courage &
  necessary to Always
Bounce back.

I am NOT my illness!

I am Beautiful  in my flaws.
See my scars?
They are
proof, a trophy of the
Battles I've won
due to illness that is
Ultimate War that I
Am yet to Overcome.                                          

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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