Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Dreamer.

Slumber, slumber come unto me.
Wrap your arms tenderly around my peacefully
Still lying being.

Whisper sweet nothings in my ear, until
I have earned the privilege to sail
Away from my problems on a sea of dreams.

When we dream, we create a collage
That is a world of our very own.
A world of what we want, desire & deserve.
Not just filled with the everyday familiarities
That come with the waking world we all know.

Colours, lights, music of the
Best kind fill our hearts, souls & minds.
They collect and carry our wishes up
To the Spirits of Ancestor's past,
In the dead of night.

The more we dream, the stronger
Our heart's deepest desires & ambitions
Bloom & grow.

Becoming everything of who we once were &
Who we want to be, until we are a
ble to let go.

Only then do we wake,
Slowly rub & open our eyes.
A sneaky yawn does escape.

Over time, our dreams become Reality.
A blessing of adventure yet to be found,
Wrapped in a beautiful cloak that is
Love with each & every new day.

- Alexandra Pierotti.




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