Sunday, July 21, 2024

Trapped Inside Her Head - Anxiety & Depression Awareness/ The Truth About Masked Trauma.

She spends the majority of time
Without intention, trapped inside her head.
With no easy or straight forward
Way out, she's a real life zombie.
She's stuck, right in between
The middle of being alive & dead.

Her mind a hidden & secret room, a basement of sorts.
No one but her can see or is allowed
To enter without a key.

She hides her struggles under an
Invisible white linen cloth, that is a veil of Mystery.
She & she alone, knows the confidential
Combination code to her  personal
Secrets kept safe.

Her mind  is an abandoned warehouse
Of memories, both good & bad alike.
Housing & playing with thoughts

Until she's created for herself, a world
Where everything is once again alright.

Here, she sits quietly as she stews & mulls things over.
Deciphering & choosing selectively, specifically what to allow for those around her, to see.

There's no crime in curiosity, of wanting to know what
It's like for her to live her individual , personal life.
Just don't insist, push, demand or pry.
If you don't force her for answers or explanations,
She will open up when the time for HER is right.

Should you be so lucky as for her to extend
To you her heart, hand and top secret access
Granted to her mind -
Grab on & Forever, hold on tight.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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