Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 We are all crazy, but
Only few are Brave enough to
Acknowledge, Own and be Proud of their

All Great Ideas and achievements,
Stem from the Wild and Crazy minds of
Our Ancestors before Us.

For all of the Greats were Not afraid,
To let their voices be heard.
Your voice too, a sweet melody like
That of a song bird.
Your Song, the world awaits to hear.
Everyone will listen, they'll come from
Far and Near.

The Question is, are you Ready for the
World to hear your voice, even if it means
You get called "crazy" by those who are
Not as brave as you?

Benjamin Franklin & Vincent van Gough,
Both Great minds once called crazy.
Now world renowned.
Their voices echo throughout History,
Traveling in the footsteps of our World.
Though they now speak no sound,
Their Words are forever legendary
When heard.

It's time the World hears Your voice.
So do something crazy.
Be Wild.
Be the thing No One saw coming.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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