Thursday, July 4, 2024

Something That Matters.

 Once a Star sleeping in a far off Galaxy
Hundreds of millions, billions of miles away.
Was picked delicately ever so gently out of the
Night sky, because it was determined to shine and
Twinkle brighter than all of the other stars that day.

It didn't know what the Future held in store for it.
All it knew was that, it was going on a new, grand Adventure. An adventure, of a Lifetime...

...And That star, was You. That Adventure, Your life.
How you came to be. How you started out as a single speck of matter. How you matter now, and how you will always matter to Me.

Sun shines bright, even after a bout of rain.
The sweet nectar of Justice, wins over the sour bitter taste of pain. The everlasting, familiar song of silence, a comforting and cosy favourite blanket to the buzzing, busy noises swirling inside your brain.

It all comes together. A perfect balance.

Every breath we take.
Every mistake we are bound to make.
Every Soul that we touch.
And Every heart that we break.

Every new page we turn.
Every life lesson learned.

It all comes together.

Every creature, Big and small that doest creepeth upon the Earth. Was put here for the reason, of having their voice heard.

Whether that creature has skin, scales, feathers, fur or fins. We are One with each other, you just have to search yourself by looking deep within.

Love everyone, like a Sister or Brother.
We are All equals.
There is no better or worse.
Life lived by so many, a song constantly sung.
It's lyrics spoken in every tongue.
Same song, with an Everchanging verse.

Everyone and everything, that Is or ever was, is
Something That Matters.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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