Friday, July 12, 2024

Dyslexia Awareness.

Writing is Difficult,
No one understands.
When I read a book,
The words seems to
Change before my very

Easily frustrated with Myself,
I go for the next best thing that
tells me stories - the illustrations
Of a picture book or by watching
The movie edition.

I've discovered that I enjoy &
Learn, through all things visual.
Though spelling is hard, the more
I Practice I become well in my

Slowly I upgrade at My
Own speed from slow & good,
To Better and eventually, best.

Arts & crafts are more my speed.
Patience & encouragement, is all
I need.

The thought of reading,
Thick paged books I find intimidating.
It freaks me right out.

If I even so much as peek at
The first sentence of a book,
The written language that of which
I speak, seem to morph, move around &
Rearrange itself in the wrong order.

Making it impossible
To understand & recognise.
My eyes are tricksters,
Always playing pranks on me.
Like a Magician, alphabet
Disappears & reappears once again.

While at times I still get frustrated,
I've learnt that Dyslexia is in fact my
Personal superpower.
I am superior in my inferiority.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



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