Saturday, July 13, 2024

Forget-Me-Not. This Poem is Dedicated to the most Beautiful Woman I ever knew. Grandma, I love you. Rest In Peace.

She spent her days
In the meadows that are
The arms & smiles, of her
Loved ones.

A crown of flowers,
Rests delicately upon her head.
Her beauty, natural.

Her simple dress, white as a Dove.
A subtle symbol to the world,
Of her pure & virtuous
Way of Life.

A friend to all, she was.
Those of whom were afraid, upset or injured
Were drawn to & Magnetised towards her.
She nursed & loved them, back to health.
Until they are ready to be released.

Vicious words & cruel actions,
Of others affected her not.
Her mind muted & heart numbed,
In the face of Evil.
She only had Eyes for God.

With her heart full, her mind now perfumed,
In only the most powerful &
Invigorating f

She holds now only the

Most beautiful &
Vibrant bouquet.
One as bright & colourful
As her life once lived.

Rest ye now, Forever in an Eternal slumber.

The good memories we shared together her final gift to the lives she once touched, she did give.

Her name engraved permanently in mine & all of our hearts.

Her name, Ivy.

My very own, 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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Oh, to be a child. To spin like a top. Round and round. To fall only to get back up And spin again. Only this time, faster. Laughing as the ...