Sunday, July 14, 2024

New Year, New Me, New Everything.

Turn the page, turn yet another leaf.
This new chapter of my life,
This new & improved Me is
My newly discovered Priority.

Looking forward, because it's
Too late to back out.
The future unpredictable,
Just how I like it.

An adventure comes,
With each New day.
The events of past challenges,
No longer anchor me
To the Ocean's deep.

What didn't kill me,
Made me stronger.
Stronger, than I ever
Thought was possible.

The Memories of those
I lost, are my Motivation to
Conquer the World & make it
A better place.

A place of my own. 

These next few years
I'm going to see what it
Takes, for me to become

Tick-tock, goes the clock.
Time is running out.
Time to make the most,
Of this crazy life & make a difference.
To love every second,

So I'm going to live
Every day, like it's my last.
Loving every minute,
I'm going to have a blast.

Opportunities pass by faster,
Than the granules of sand in
An hourglass.
Taking the World by storm,
I'm not afraid to kick ass.

This new Milestone of my journey,
Is just getting started.
I'm changing myself for the better,
By not changing myself
For anyone's standards at all.

I spend my free time,
Dancing & singing.
I'm going to stand on the
Rooftop in order for my
Voice to echo, loud
As I laugh & shout.

Nothing can stop me,
This feeling of sheer bliss
Is what life's all about.
I know that it won't
Always be easy, but 
At least it's worth it.

I'm content with who I am.
Even though that person
Isn't ever going to be in
Everyone's eyes, Perfect.

So, what are you waiting for?
It's time to make some noise!
If you don't use the gifts that
God gave you wisely, He's going
To give them to someone else
Who will.

Live every moment to its fullest,
Always share & spread with those
Around you the best thing they
Didn't know they need the most.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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