Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Haunted - For All Of The Paranormal Enthusiasts.


Haunted by the ghosts of her past, she felt herself fade from view. Her lamenting cries ricocheting off of the walls of the secret, forbidden room. Until a sudden windstorm blew.

It caused the only window that was in the room, that had only known being boarded up with thick slabs of wood, to break. And light came shining through. Finally free, she jumped out of the window, her feet landing softly on a bed of grass. Her once ragged, dirt stained linen dress now a shroud of pure white.

No longer haunted, free from torment. She walks towards the Light. Her past now, finally out of sight.

No longer a ghost, she holds the Light close until she is made brand new. With each bare footed step she takes, a brighter New Life for her, the Creator makes.

Her feet covered in flowers of bloom.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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