Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Mirror - How to Help Yourself to Conquer Depression. If You, or Anyone you know suffers and struggles with this crippling illness, Please, Seek Help from a trusted and certified Professional. Remember, you ARE loved.

 One hand on my rapidly beating heart,
The other, on the mirror.
Take a Deep breath, In and Out. Again.
I can't Let myself Disappear.

I have too much to live for.

I have to teach Myself, to
NOT believe the Lies.
My patience as is, already wearing thinner.
Reluctantly, I force Myself to turn my eyes
Away from the mirror.

I have to Remind myself that,
I've already come SO far.
That alone Makes me a winner.

I refuse to back out.
I Am Brave.
Despite what my haters think, or what my
Demons say.

Who's that Knocking at my door?
Oh. It's just the Devil that I know.
I have to move on, though I know it's Hard.
I refuse to invite the intrusive thoughts,
And urges to stay.

The Only way out, is for Me to Command it to
Go Away

I will NOT let it take control.
Nothing is strong enough to crush My soul.
The thoughts are just lies, that I've been told.

One hand on my heart, the other on the mirror.
I am NOT my illness, I refuse to disappear.
Deep breath, In and Out. Again.
I got this.

So rip that mirror, off of the wall.
Smash it on the floor.
Each second that goes by, I grow Strong.
I won't listen to the lies of My thoughts.
I know, they are Wrong.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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