Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Mama Taught Me - This Poem is Dedicated to ALL Those Currently Going Through a Break Up.

 Mama taught me when I was young,
I don't need a man (or woman) in order
To have fun. I'm already a Superstar.

I don't need no fancy Engagement ring.
I have no need for a flashy, phony lifestyle
Or a 
Big, fast, expensive car. I am content &
Complete in my own company, I find the
Most joy in the simple things.
I've already made it SO far.

With my Noise cancelling headphones
On, I tune you out as I dance & sing along
To my favourite songs. Here, in This moment,
Is where I belong.

This is it, I'm ripping you out.
Like a bandage, it's swift with little to no pain.
I have no reason to feel embarrassed, sorry
Or ashamed.

From you, I'm finally free.
I'm perfectly happy with being Myself.
I'm Who I'm meant to be.
I do what's best for Me, & No one else.

Without you, I'm doing just fine.
Without your toxic ways weighing me down,
I can finally breathe.
I finally have time to spend with, & make the most of I, Myself & Me.

While You think you got away with
The perfect crime, I'm not where you
Left me. I'm not going to just sit here, & cry.

Here I am, making the most of every day.
Surviving, Purely out of Spite.
I Dare you to, watch me Thrive.
I've never been so Happy to be Alive.

Mama taught me, No one deserves
My tears. You're Not worth my Time,
Energy, Effort, Love & Money if all
You do is leave me in ruins.

The reason you left me, because
I refused to allow you to use, Gaslight me &
You were determined to distinguish my Spark.
Thought you left me in the lurch, in the Dark. 
You tried to cease and desist My vibe.
Without you I'm more than alright.

If You ever attempt to come back into my Life,
I'm going to give you a swift kick up the backside. Kick you out and for good reason,
Slam the door. Without You I'm so much more.

I know now, that I don't have to give
Anything up in order to have it All.
Nothing is keeping Me pinned against
The wall.

The One , comes along I'll know.
Until then I'm going to continue to dance &
Sing along to my Favourite sick beats with my
Trusty Noise cancelling headphones on.

Because my Mama taught me, ALL girls Are Strong. I will Overcome this, like I've Overcome everything else. I'm perfect, just Being Myself.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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