Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Secret Poets Society.

 I, am a Writer.
I hold the key, to words of truth that allow me to write my Greatest works. I, am able to unlock the true treasures of the Mind. My weapon of Choice? A feathered quill.

While Others write about Knights in Shining Armour rescuing defenceless Princesses from the tallest Towers,
I write fact, not fiction. I, write only the truth. What is Real.

My Biggest fear being a Writer, is when my Mind draws a blank. My words occasionally too shy even for my sheet of paper, to be written and seen. I have to channel and encourage this feeling of Powerful productiveness, in order to produce and speak the most powerful words.

To put my doubts to one side, and just go with the flow. Writing is a gift, one we have to Discover for ourselves.

If you know that you already have it, why not share it with the rest of the World? One must be a sensitive, sympathetic, empathetic, strong minded individual in order to be a Writer.

It can be difficult sometimes, for the first time on where to start.

I start each and every one of my works, with what I Know. What is Real. I start with my deepest Passion, what makes me truly Feel.

I let the words and emotions come naturally to me, I know better than to try and force them out. I take my time by pacing myself, but most importantly, take frequent breaks.

I forgive Myself, when I get frustrated due to the words not coming to me easily or quickly enough. Writers make the best story tellers, we speak directly from our Heart. We are Proud to let the World know, that We are an Open book.

You see, true treasure that is Happiness does in fact exist. You just have to Know, where to Look.

We Writers, speak our own Secret language. As silent, Members of a classified Social Club. Full of fellow lovers of literature. Our dress code to show that we are Equals with each other, a white business shirt, thick dark trench coat and top hat. For both Men and Women alike. For We, are the sacred founders of what is most commonly known today as,' The Secret Poets Society.'

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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