Monday, July 8, 2024

Monsters In The Night.

 The Thunder Crashed!
The Lightning Flashed!
You cower in fright.
You fear they are coming
To get you, the Monsters
in the Night.

You hear the ominous
Tap-tap-tapping, on your window pane.
Suddenly off shuts your light.
Could it be, the Monsters in
the Night?

There's a menacing howl,
You see a creepy shadow figure.
You sense someone is watching you,
From the darkest, creepiest corner of
Your room.

You hear a witch's cursed
Cackle, you imagine her
Flying past.

Deep breath in, and out.
All these things are easily explained.
Let's start, with the tapping on your
Window pane.

The wind is what howls,
Causing tree branches to quiver
And shake.
It's scrawny finger like twigs,
Violently sway.

To remind you they are just
Outside your window, they tap
Repeatedly on the pane.

The creepy shadow figure
Staring back at you, from the
Darkest corner of your room.

Are just clothes, that have been
Carelessly thrown and strewn.
An exaggerated ghostly shape
Of a person, it does configure.

The sudden lack of light,
Caused by a electric power shortage.
You're the One who is draining it of

You're using its energy to
Your advantage.
No longer do you cower.

A Sinister Cackle escapes You,
A Witch you were in your
Past life.

The Ones you Haunt, watch
You in fear from under the blankets
Of their bed on the other side of
Your room.

A Negative Entity, you cause trouble
And strife, striking fear into the hearts
Of the new residents of your once owned,

Your victims, Husband and Wife.

Suddenly, You remember...
You are a ghost.
The Monster, in the Night.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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