Monday, July 8, 2024

MY Story.

 Spent my life locked in the dark.
Forgot who I am, so I went on a search
To rediscover my spark.

Told myself that if I kept the lid
Of My ADHD shut tight, my natural
Weirdness would magically disappear

Did my best to copy everyone else and
Blend in. Didn't matter what I did, I could never seem to fit in.
Taught myself to just go through the motions.

Every birthday when I'd close my
Eyes and blew out the candles,
I spent my wishes on wishing I could
Be "Normal."
Pretended the cake was a potion.
In the hopes that it would change
Me from the inside, out.

That I would finally be accepted so that society could one day see me as good enough.

But the more I tried to ignore
My true self, everything I knew
On how I "should be" spiralled out of
Control at unbelievable speeds.

Couldn't explain to my Family,
What I was going through.
That "perfect, ideal Daughter
And Sister", the only thing they knew.

Guess I was an excellent actress,
Because "the Alex show" I let them see
Of "Normal" me was flawless and
Fool proof. 

Failed miserably at making friends
At school, because try as hard as I
did, I just couldn't be who they wanted
Me to be.

Even though I craved it with all my might,
"Normal" just didn't seem to be included
In my life's dictionary.

"Weird" the main building block of my character, holding together my ultimate Personality.
Wish I knew sooner that the answer was,
Inattentive ADHD.

Was the perfect victim for my bullies,
Because they saw past my mask with
X-ray vision and could directly see
The real flawed me.

Couldn't tell my teachers what was Happening, because they would just dismiss
Me and my feelings.
Told me I was either "Exaggerating",
being "Dramatic", "Paranoid" or just plain "Silly."

Finally learning to accept and
Love all the little things that make me,

Not afraid anymore, I'm cutting out
All of those who call my condition an
"Excuse" when deep down they know,
It's an Explanation of why I am the
Way I am.

Chanel my thoughts through the art of Poetry.

Love me or not, I am and always will be unapologetically and authentically
Spicy, wild, unhinged, unpredictable.
I'm teaching myself to love, be proud of and not ashamed to have, ADHD.

Here I am, look at me. My true authentic self I need you all to see. No longer am I living in the dark, I've finally after all these years, found my spark. I'm not going to be afraid any more to be myself. For the World to see Me and all my scars.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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